From fungi to furniture: the future of sustainable design with Dr Jane Scott

In this episode, we talk to Dr Jane Scott, Newcastle University Academic Track Fellow (NUAcT) in the Hub for Biotechnology in the Built Environment (HBBE).

Her current research explores the future of interior design, made with mycelium, a root-like structure of fungus.

Learn about the BioKnit Project, a venture which aims to investigate if fungus-filled textiles could become the new cutting-edge technique for making architectural structures and furniture.

Find out more about Jane’s research and follow her on twitter @responsiveknit. Discover more about the Hub for Biotechnology in the Built Environment and follow them on twitter @Bio_Buildings.

Also mentioned in this episode:


Future Observatory Display, Design Museum London:

Magical Mushroom Company:

Farrell Centre, Newcastle upon Tyne:

What does the future of transport look like? with Professor Phil Blythe

In this episode, we talk to Professor Phil Blythe CBE, Professor of Intelligent Transport Systems at Newcastle University, Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering and former Chief Scientific Adviser for the Department for Transport.

Learn about intelligent transport systems, COVID-19’s impact on transport, the shift from fossil fuel-powered to electric-powered cars and the future of driverless vehicles, which may include flying cars.

Find out more about Phil’s research and follow Engineering at Newcastle University on twitter @EngineeringNCL. Also mentioned in this episode, Newcastle Urban Observatory.

5.4 The Hatton Gallery: Learning through art with Hazel Barron-Cooper

In this episode we talk to Hazel Barron-Cooper, Learning Officer at the Hatton Gallery

Learn about the relationship between the Hatton Gallery and Newcastle University, exhibitions we can look forward to this year and how the Hatton Gallery is working with local community groups to promote learning through art. 

Find out more about the upcoming exhibitions at the Hatton Gallery. School and college groups are welcome in the gallery for a selection of workshops or they can also come for self-led visits. For enquiries please email

4.3 Communicating the climate crisis with Dr Alistair Ford

In this episode we talk to Dr Alistair Ford, Lecturer in Geospatial Data Analytics at Newcastle University about climate change engagement.

Learn about how research-led scenarios can be used to highlight climate change issues in urban planning, COP27 and how our younger generation may be the solution to the climate change crisis.

Find out more about Alistair’s research and follow him on twitter at @AlistairCFord. Discover more about the Climate Change Catastrophe project in collaboration with the Cap-a-Pie theatre company.