Episode 027: Creative Practice

Episde banner, reads: Episode 27, Creative Practice with Tara Bergin and Will Edmondes.

Hello, and welcome to episode 27 of the Learning and Teaching @ Newcastle University podcast. 

Transcript available

‘Creative Practice’ as a discipline itself can seem mysterious, and yet we enjoy the fruits of that labour all the time; whether through live performance, in a gallery, on television, radio or online, but also in the shape of the built environment, in consumer product design, in the visual and sonic saturation of our attention, every day. 

But how can creative practice be taught?   

In this episode we hear from Dr Tara Bergin, an award-winning poet teaching creative writing within the School of English Literature, Language and Linguistics.  We also interview Dr Will Edmondes, an acclaimed musician, composer and performer, who teaches creative practice as Senior Lecturer at the International Centre for Music Studies. 

Both Tara and Will give us their perspective on teaching creative practice: how creative work can be generated, how it can be assessed, the challenges, the rewards, and how it can inform and develop other areas of a student’s academic work. 

If you would like to get in touch or have a podcast idea you would like to share. Please email ltds@ncl.ac.uk and use the title ‘Learning & Teaching @ Newcastle University Podcast idea’ 

See the links below for more on the subjects in this episode: 








Episode 008: Placements with Dr Lee Higham, Settling into University Learning with Emily and Josh, and Learning through the Pandemic (Part Two) with Dr Adam Potts

Episode 008: Placements with Dr Lee Higham, Settling Into University Learning with Emily and Josh, and Learning Through the Pandemic (Part Two) with Dr Adam Potts

Hello and welcome to episode eight of the Learning & Teaching @ Newcastle University podcast.

There is a transcript available.

In this episode, we have five interviews that cover three topics, exploring different aspects of learning and teaching here at Newcastle University.

The first topic sees Dr Lee Higham, Senior Lecturer and SNES Academic Lead for Employability and Enterprise talk to staff and students about placements. In the first of three interviews Lee speaks to Tom Meadows an Employer Liaison Manager and Placements Advisor from the University Careers Service about what a placement is, the importance of preparation and motivation in securing these opportunities and what the benefits are of going on placement. In the second and third interviews, Lee talks to Caitlin Storry, a placement student who has recently started hers and Goda Stasytyte, a returning placement student, about their experiences.

The second item is with Emily and Josh our current students. Those first few weeks at university are exciting, they can be a nervous time, hopefully enjoyable, but always a brand-new experience. Emily and Josh discuss those first few lectures, seminars, and labs. They also discuss making new friends and interacting with academics and teachers. Emily and Josh try to demystify some of those thoughts  about the step up to university.

In the final part of this episode, Dr Adam Potts returns to talk about how Newcastle University students learned through the pandemic. In this conversation Adam and his students discuss managing your time and learning communities through the pandemic. How can what we’ve learned shape and influence positive outcomes for the future?

If you would like to get in touch or have an idea you would like to share. Please email ltds@ncl.ac.uk and use the title ‘Learning & Teaching @ Newcastle University Podcast idea’.

Links from the episode

University placement pages – https://www.ncl.ac.uk/study/your-future/work-placement/

Contacting the placement team – https://www.ncl.ac.uk/careers/workexperience/placements/

Careers Service – https://www.ncl.ac.uk/careers/

Applying for a placement – https://www.ncl.ac.uk/careers/workexperience/placements/finding/

Student Homepage – https://www.ncl.ac.uk/students/

Student wellbeing – https://www.ncl.ac.uk/wellbeing/ Student’s Union – https://www.nusu.co.uk/

There is a transcript available.