Episode 29 – In conversation with our new Dean of Digital Education

Hello and welcome to the first episode of season two of the Learning & Teaching @ Newcastle University podcast.

Transcript available

In this first episode, Sarah Graham, the Dean of Education for HaSS, sits down with Dr David Kennedy, our new Dean of Digital Education, to discuss: 

  • David’s new role 
  • His strategy for digital education over the next 12 months 
  • The challenges he will face over the next year 
  • And how digital education will impact students once David implements his strategy. 

In David’s welcome message, he talks about his role, and Sarah and David’s conversation explores this further. 

“Technology alone should, of course, not dictate what we do, but I am a firm believer in the role that technology and use of data are enablers for pedagogical improvement and delivery of efficiency. We live in a digital age where advances in technology and the use of data have become integral in many aspects of our lives.”  

“Our challenge as a University is to ensure we meet the expectations of our learners in how, when, and where they engage with education within educationally-grounded modes of delivery that are supported digitally where appropriate.” 

Thank you to all our guests this week. We hope you enjoy this episode.  

If you would like to get in touch or have an idea you would like to share. Please email ltds@ncl.ac.uk and use the title ‘Learning & Teaching @ Newcastle University Podcast idea’. 

Links from the episode

Transcript available.

Introducing our new Dean of Digital Education – Dr David Kennedy – https://newcastle.sharepoint.com/news/nuconnections/Pages/Introducing-our-new-Dean-of-Digital-Education-%E2%80%93-Dr-David-Kennedy.aspx?OR=Teams-HL&CT=1666341736818&clickparams=eyJBcHBOYW1lIjoiVGVhbXMtRGVza3RvcCIsIkFwcFZlcnNpb24iOiIyNy8yMjA5MDQwMDcxMiIsIkhhc0ZlZGVyYXRlZFVzZXIiOmZhbHNlfQ%3D%3D

Case studies on digital education – https://microsites.ncl.ac.uk/casestudies/tag/digital-education/

LTDS digital education pages – https://www.ncl.ac.uk/learning-and-teaching/effective-practice/digital-education/

LTDS digital accessibility pages – https://www.ncl.ac.uk/learning-and-teaching/effective-practice/digital-accessibility/

Digital Education Sub-Committee web pages – https://www.ncl.ac.uk/epgs/academic-governance/committees/desc/