Episode 037: AI at Newcastle University with Dr David Kennedy and Professor Ruth Valentine

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Hello and welcome to episode 37 of the Learning & Teaching @ Newcastle University podcast. 

This week Ben Steel from LTDS sat down with Pro Vice Chancellor Education Professor Ruth Valentine and Dean of Digital Education Dr David Kennedy. 

AI text generating technologies have been around for a long time, but they have made significant advances in recent years. Most are trained on extensive data sets and are capable of producing human-like written content quickly and easily. There has been a lot of media coverage of these tools lately (in particular ChatGPT) with concerns raised about the risk they present to academic integrity. 

As with all emerging technologies, it is our role as educators to explore and investigate the opportunities they provide to our students’ educational experience, as well as to consider any potential negative impacts. Ben, Ruth and David discuss Newcastle University’s response to these tools, with a focus on the five principles for the use of AI at Newcastle. 

Thank you to our guests and we hope you enjoy this episode.  

If you would like to get in touch or have an idea you would like to share, please email ltds@ncl.ac.uk and use the title ‘Learning & Teaching @ Newcastle University Podcast idea’. 

Links from the episode 

LTDS and AI – https://www.ncl.ac.uk/learning-and-teaching/effective-practice/ai/ 

ASK Website – https://www.ncl.ac.uk/academic-skills-kit/good-academic-practice/artificial-intelligence/ 

AI in practice – https://newcastle.sharepoint.com/:w:/r/sites/LTDS/_layouts/15/Doc.aspx?sourcedoc=%7BFD7661EB-95A4-4E32-AA25-3CBE37193A38%7D&file=AI_live_guidance.docx&action=default&mobileredirect=true 

Newcastle University AI of the Possible week – https://elements.ncl.ac.uk/course/index.php?categoryid=304 

Nutella Community  

QAA and AI – https://www.qaa.ac.uk/docs/qaa/members/maintaining-quality-and-standards-in-the-chatgpt-era.pdf 

Episode 036: The Importance of Reading Lists

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Hello and welcome to episode 36 of the Learning & Teaching @ Newcastle University podcast. 

This week Ben Steel from LTDS sat down with Louise Masson a Librarian Liaison Officer from our Library Liaison team in the Philip Robinson Library. 

A reading list is an integral part of the student experience at University. Although it may be viewed as an archaic term these days, students are ‘reading’ for a degree. How do the students know what to read? It is the academic’s role to guide them. 

Louise talks about the importance of reading list within our student’s modules and programmes. Why they are important to the students, our teachers, and the library. And how decolonisation and diversification is vital to the future of our reading lists. 

Thank you to our guest Louise. We hope you enjoy this episode.  

If you would like to get in touch or have an idea you would like to share. Please email ltds@ncl.ac.uk and use the title ‘Learning & Teaching @ Newcastle University Podcast idea’. 

Links from the episode 


Reading List Training 


Episode 035 – Pedagogy of Canvas Part Three – with Dr Helene Tyrrell

Hello and welcome to episode 35 of the Learning & Teaching @ Newcastle University podcast.

Transcript available.

This is the final in a three part mini series that will look at the pedagogy of Canvas and how educators from across Newcastle University are utilising the tools in Canvas to provide a rich learning experience for our students.

In this episode we have a long form conversation with Dr Helene Tyrrell a Lecturer in Law.

Helene spoke to Matt Laidler and Dan Graham, Learning Enhancement & Technology Advisers from the Learning and Teaching Development Service about how she gets the best out of Canvas.

If you would like to get in touch or have an idea you would like to share. Please email ltds@ncl.ac.uk and use the title ‘Learning & Teaching @ Newcastle University Podcast idea’.

Links from the episode

Transcript available.








Episode 034 – Pedagogy of Canvas Part Two – with Dr Chris Graham and Dr Adam Potts

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Hello and welcome to episode 34 of the Learning & Teaching @ Newcastle University podcast.

Transcript available.

This is the second in a three part mini series that will look at the pedagogy of Canvas and how educators from across Newcastle University are utilising the tools in Canvas to provide a rich learning experience for our students.

In this episode we have the second part of a long form conversation between Dr Chris Grahams Director of Digital Learning from the school of Maths, Stats, and Physics, and Dr Adam Potts a Senior Lecturer from Philosophy.

Chris and Adam speak to Matt Laidler and Dan Graham, Learning Enhancement & Technology Advisers from the Learning and Teaching Development Service about how they get the best out of Canvas.

Next week we will be releasing further conversations with Dr Helene Tyrell from the Law School about her experiences using Canvas.

If you would like to get in touch or have an idea you would like to share. Please email ltds@ncl.ac.uk and use the title ‘Learning & Teaching @ Newcastle University Podcast idea’.

Links from the episode

Transcript available.








Episode 033 – Pedagogy of Canvas Part One – with Dr Chris Graham and Dr Adam Potts

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Hello and welcome to episode 33 of the Learning & Teaching @ Newcastle University podcast.

Transcript available.

This is the first in a three part mini series that will look at the pedagogy of Canvas and how educators from across Newcastle University are utilising the tools in Canvas to provide a rich learning experience for our students.

In this episode we have the first part of a long form conversation between Dr Chris Grahams Director of Digital Learning from the school of Maths, Stats, and Physics, and Dr Adam Potts a Senior Lecturer from Philosophy.

Chris and Adam speak to Matt Laidler and Dan Graham, Learning Enhancement & Technology Advisers from the Learning and Teaching Development Service about how they get the best out of Canvas.

Next week we will be releasing part two of this conversation.

If you would like to get in touch or have an idea you would like to share. Please email ltds@ncl.ac.uk and use the title ‘Learning & Teaching @ Newcastle University Podcast idea’.

Links from the episode

Transcript available.








Episode 32: Community Engagement

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Hello and welcome to episode 32 of the Learning & Teaching @ Newcastle University podcast.

Transcript available.

In this episode, we look at how students at Newcastle University engage with our community in the North East to support learners from all age groups and areas of society.

Firstly we hear from Professor Jane Robinson, Pro-vice-chancellor for engagement and place. Jane introduces this episode and why this is very important to us, our students, and our community.

We speak to Naomi Nelson, an Outreach Ambassador in our SAgE faculty. As part of her undergraduate studies here at Newcastle, Naomi participated in the Street Science programme.

Alongside Naomi, we speak to Georgia Edge, a current undergraduate dentist student who supports the Brush Up scheme.

We speak to Naomi and Georgia about their experiences working in these schemes. We discussed how the schemes work on a day to day basis. How it helped their own learning and how it helped the people they were working with.

Finally, we spoke to Jenny Johnstone, a senior lecturer in our Law School, and Jasmine Davidge, who works with Jenny in our Law School. We talk to Jenny and Jasmine about Street Law. How the programme works, what our students get out of the scheme, and how it supports the people the students are working with in the community.

If you would like to get in touch or have an idea you would like to share. Please email ltds@ncl.ac.uk and use the title ‘Learning & Teaching @ Newcastle University Podcast idea’.

Links from the episode.

Transcript available

Street Science

Brush Up

Street Law

Schools & Education Outreach

Engagement and Place Awards 2022

Episode 031: Learning and Teaching Conference 2023

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Hello and welcome to episode 31 of the Learning & Teaching @ Newcastle University podcast.

Transcript available.

In this episode, Holly Wheeler talks to Professor Tom Ward, Mack Marshall, Dr Amina Razak and Claire Rodgerson about the 2023 Learning and Teaching Conference and its theme Student Centred Education.

At the start of the episode Professor Tom Ward, Pro-Vice Chancellor for Education talks us through what the conference is and what Student-Centred Education means to him.

We then hear from Mack Marshall, Education Office at the Student’s Union who explores the importance of the conference for students and delves deeper into some the conference sub-themes.

Finally, the episode closes with Dr Amina Razak from Inclusive Newcastle Knowledge Centre and Claire Rodgerson from Citizens UK. They share with their experiences of presenting at last year’s conference and advice for those submitting a proposal for this year.

If you would like to get in touch or have an idea you would like to share. Please email ltds@ncl.ac.uk and use the title ‘Learning & Teaching @ Newcastle University Podcast idea’.

Links from the episode.

Transcript available.

For more information on the conference and to register a place:


To submit a proposal for the conference:


Subscribe to our Learning and Teaching Newsletter for conference updates:


For more information on Citizens UK:


Episode 30 – Authentic Assessment with Professor Sally Brown and Professor Kay Sambell

Welcome to the 30th episode of the Learning and Teaching @ Newcastle University podcast.

Transcript Available

In this episode, Dr Chris Whiting from the Academic Practice Team speaks with Prof. Sally Brown and Prof. Kay Sambell about authentic assessment in higher education.

Sally and Kay are known internationally as advocates of assessment in higher education including assessment-for-learning and authentic assessment. In 2020, they created their Covid 19 Assessment Collection giving practical advice and examples in adapting assessment during the lockdown crisis and beyond. In this episode, they tell us more about implementing changes to move towards more authentic modes of assessment and learning, measuring the success of authentic assessment innovations, and making these innovations achievable and sustainable.

To thank Sally and Kay for volunteering their time, a donation was made to the Justice Prince CIC food bank.

Thank you to all our guests this week. We hope you enjoy this episode.  

If you would like to get in touch or have an idea you would like to share. Please email ltds@ncl.ac.uk and use the title ‘Learning & Teaching @ Newcastle University Podcast idea’. 

Links from the Episode

Transcript Available





Episode 29 – In conversation with our new Dean of Digital Education

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Hello and welcome to the first episode of season two of the Learning & Teaching @ Newcastle University podcast.

Transcript available

In this first episode, Sarah Graham, the Dean of Education for HaSS, sits down with Dr David Kennedy, our new Dean of Digital Education, to discuss: 

  • David’s new role 
  • His strategy for digital education over the next 12 months 
  • The challenges he will face over the next year 
  • And how digital education will impact students once David implements his strategy. 

In David’s welcome message, he talks about his role, and Sarah and David’s conversation explores this further. 

“Technology alone should, of course, not dictate what we do, but I am a firm believer in the role that technology and use of data are enablers for pedagogical improvement and delivery of efficiency. We live in a digital age where advances in technology and the use of data have become integral in many aspects of our lives.”  

“Our challenge as a University is to ensure we meet the expectations of our learners in how, when, and where they engage with education within educationally-grounded modes of delivery that are supported digitally where appropriate.” 

Thank you to all our guests this week. We hope you enjoy this episode.  

If you would like to get in touch or have an idea you would like to share. Please email ltds@ncl.ac.uk and use the title ‘Learning & Teaching @ Newcastle University Podcast idea’. 

Links from the episode

Transcript available.

Introducing our new Dean of Digital Education – Dr David Kennedy – https://newcastle.sharepoint.com/news/nuconnections/Pages/Introducing-our-new-Dean-of-Digital-Education-%E2%80%93-Dr-David-Kennedy.aspx?OR=Teams-HL&CT=1666341736818&clickparams=eyJBcHBOYW1lIjoiVGVhbXMtRGVza3RvcCIsIkFwcFZlcnNpb24iOiIyNy8yMjA5MDQwMDcxMiIsIkhhc0ZlZGVyYXRlZFVzZXIiOmZhbHNlfQ%3D%3D

Case studies on digital education – https://microsites.ncl.ac.uk/casestudies/tag/digital-education/

LTDS digital education pages – https://www.ncl.ac.uk/learning-and-teaching/effective-practice/digital-education/

LTDS digital accessibility pages – https://www.ncl.ac.uk/learning-and-teaching/effective-practice/digital-accessibility/

Digital Education Sub-Committee web pages – https://www.ncl.ac.uk/epgs/academic-governance/committees/desc/

Episode 028: Season 2 preview with Learning Analytics update

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Hello and welcome to a special preseason trailer of the Learning & Teaching @ Newcastle University podcast.

View transcript

We also have an update on one of our specials from season one.

Dr. Raghda Zahran, from NUIT, returns to talk to Dr. Matthew Forshaw, a reader in data science, and Dr. Huizhi (Elly) Liang, a senior lecturer in computing science, about how learning analytics plays a part in their courses and their teaching.

You can hear Raghda’s learning analytics special here if you want to learn more about the university’s approach to learning analytics. 

Thank you to all our guests this week. We hope you enjoy this taster for the new season.

If you would like to get in touch or have an idea you would like to share. Please email ltds@ncl.ac.uk and use the title ‘Learning & Teaching @ Newcastle University Podcast idea’.

Links from the episode

Learning Analytics from the Learning and Teaching website – https://www.ncl.ac.uk/learning-and-teaching/effective-practice/learning-analytics/

Learning Analytics in Canvas – https://www.ncl.ac.uk/learning-and-teaching/digital-technologies/canvas/canvas-new-analytics/

Learning Analytics Case Studies – https://microsites.ncl.ac.uk/casestudies/tag/learning-analytics/

Learning analytics season one special – https://podcasts.ncl.ac.uk/learningandteaching/series-1/episode-024-learning-analytics-special/

View transcript